ივნისი 8, 2013 10:00 pm - ივნისი 9, 2013 1:00 am
სად?ჯავახიშვილის ქ, Canudos, თბილისი
ღონისძიების აღწერაHula Moola dear people from Earth and not only Summer has come! if you don`t know what to do on this weekend,were to go, wanna have fun? Let`s do it! that`s why on this Weekend we have special ” Mojito Night”!!! You have the possibility to try 5 kinds of Mojito… Holy Cow ( and other holy things!) That`s all we need! So cya Ladies (and Gentleman’s 2: )
Special Offer :
Strawberry Mojito 7 Gel
Promegranate Mojito 7 Gel
Cuban Mojito 7 Gel
Canudos Mojito 7 Gel
Special Guest : Johnny` Ghost
Telephone?+995 591 91 13 11